It is fortunate that I have been gathering material – mainly photographs and film – since that time, and have a small archive covering an hour of a December day in 2018 which I have used to begin the work for this project.

It was expected that I would have been on the reserve, making sketchbook studies and notes as well as gathering fragments of plant-matter in location, and the intention now is to renew this once able to travel. An embodied practice has become an adapted and more distanced one for this beginning and I have mirrored the images – which were all taken square-format originally and not cropped – to show the use of technology whilst also attempting to achieve a composition that gives an impression of being ‘inside land’. 

Additionally, I have been researching maps of the area and am planning on creating a triptych of 2 pieces and a film based on Far Ings and Saltholme.

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