PROJECTS – Past and Present
Throughout my practice I have enjoyed working on projects with a collaborative and/or participatory element. How these arise has altered with each project and is affected by the subject-matter. Key for all of these, though, is process and methodology.
Working on projects has not necessarily been an intentional way of moving forward with my practice, it just seems to have been something that has happened along the way. Some of the projects are in fact commissions, and some have been a way to make something happen. The current (at time of writing, January 2021) GATHER project is this latter, and has several participatory elements through which involvement and engagement may happen. Working like this gives me the benefit of working with several organisations and partners as well as sectors of the public, all of which influences the work I will make and will hopefully enable ambitious outcomes which may not otherwise be achieved.
GATHER, along with Far & Near and Pore Project have all been supported by funds from the Arts Council England.
Over my Left Shoulder, Conversations with my Mother and Vestiges of Spirituality were commissions.